Our Location Google Maps
Marina Carenero
Bocas del Toro, Caribbean, Panama, Central America
Phone: (011) (507) 757-9242 –
Latitude 9º20.64′ N Longitude 82º14.11′
Sketch of the port

Aerial view of Cayo Carenero
Cayo Carenero is a key with walking trails and no roads or cars. It is a wooded key in the Caribbean Sea located a few hundred meters east of Isla Colon in the Bocas del Toro archipelago.
All the necessary services for your comfort.
Electricity meters, very clean bathrooms and showers, pressurized drinking water, dining room, common kitchen, monthly washing of decks and freeboards.

What our visitors say about us …

Beautiful places in Bocas del Toro.

View from one of the docks of Isla Colon towards Cayo Carenero. Cayo Carenero is a key with walking trails and no roads or cars. It is a wooded key in the Caribbean Sea located a few hundred meters east of Isla Colon in the Bocas del Toro archipelago.
Where every day you will have access to Taxi Marítimas to transfer you from Cayo Carenero to Isla Colón or any other island of this beautiful archipelago.

Starfish Beach is a beautiful beach with crystal clear and calm waters
where you can enjoy relaxing days.
It is located in the northwest end of Colon Island. You can get there
by bus, boat or taxi. It is really a natural paradise.

Zapatilla Cays are a group of two uninhabited islands, surrounded by coral reefs, located east of Bastimentos Island in the Bocas del Toro
Archipelago. North Zapatilla Cay is 14 hectares in size while South Zapatilla Cay is comparatively larger at 34 hectares. Both islands are located within the limits of the Bastimentos Island National Marine Park.

Bocas del Drago is a beautiful beach located on the northwest side of Isla Colon. This beach will be a perfect place to relax for a whole day.

Colon Island is the main island of the Bocas del Toro archipelago located northwest of Panama in the Caribbean Sea with an area of 61 km². It is the largest island in the province of Bocas del Toro and the fourth largest in the country. You will feel at home with its friendly people, delicious Caribbean food, and good customs.